Are you interested in Directing or being on Staff for one of these fantastic productions? Well, now’s your chance to apply!
DIRECTOR APPLICANTS: Please read our Director Recruitment Letter for more information!
STAFF MEMBER APPLICANTS: Please complete our Staff Application and email it to: kvta@kvta.org
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for KVTA, please visit our Volunteer page to complete our interest form.
Once the Season Directors are chosen, we will pass along all Staff and Volunteer information to each Director.
Please Note: The KVTA Board of Directors reserves the right to select any qualified applicant.
The KVTA Board of Directors reserves the right to not select an applicant for any production.
After selection by the KVTA Board of Directors, each Director reserves the right to request their own staff.
Expressing your interest to be a Director, Staff Member, or Volunteer does not guarantee your placement on staff for any KVTA production.
KVTA Policies: PDF
KVTA Policies Acknowledgement Form to be Signed: PDF
All participants, on-stage or off-stage, will be required to sign KVTA's Social Media, Sexual Harassment, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policies. If said participant is under the age of 18, a parent or guardian will sign for the participant. Any parent or guardian signing for their auditioner agrees to instruct and provide information to their auditioner regarding KVTA's policies. An Emergency Card and Waiver of Liability must also be completed and signed in order to participate. These forms will be distributed when you first volunteer with KVTA. If you have any questions please email: kvta@kvta.org

September 12-14, 2025

November 20-23, 2025

December 5-7, 2025

Winter 2026

March 12-15, 2026